About Us

Achieving the goal of Net Zero carbon emissions is quickly becoming the benchmark for corporate environmental ambitions globally. Governments and corporations around the world are looking for ways to improve energy efficiency, lower the use of fossil fuels, eliminate sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and leverage new technologies to reduce their overall carbon footprint.

The Paris Climate Accords of 2016 and the Glasgow Climate Pact of 2021 tasks each of its signatories to keep the rise in global temperatures to below 2° above pre-industrial levels, and ideally limit the increase to a maximum of 1.5°, recognizing that this would substantially reduce the destruction being caused by global warming. To ensure this, the target that everyone has their eyes on is Net Zero, complete carbon neutrality, or as close to it as possible. Some are looking to achieve Net Zero status by 2050, some later and some yet earlier.

The goal of this website is to cover the global journey to Net Zero as it unfolds. We will post updates as they happen: new commitments, milestones and implementation, outstanding accomplishments and even failures. We plan to cover industry, governments, civil society, and global bodies on the path to a more sustainable future for our planet.

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