California Releases Ambitious Plan to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Pollution

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its updated proposal to implement the most ambitious climate action of any jurisdiction in the world, taking unprecedented steps to drastically slash pollution and accelerate the transition to clean energy. No economy in the world, much less the soon-to-be 4th largest, has put forth such a comprehensive roadmap to reach carbon neutrality.

This updated plan follows Governor Gavin Newsom’s push to move faster to achieve new, ambitious climate goals, setting new targets for renewable energy, clean buildings, carbon removal, and clean fuels in the transportation sector. If adopted by CARB, this plan will be a critical component of Governor Newsom’s California Climate Commitment – a set of world-leading actions to build out a 100% clean energy grid, achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, ramp up carbon removal and sequestration, protect Californians from harmful oil drilling, and invest $54 billion to forge an oil-free future while building sustainable communities throughout the state.

The updated Scoping Plan would achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, in addition to:

  • Cutting air pollution by 71%;
  • Slashing greenhouse gas emissions 85% by 2045;
  • That includes a 48% reduction of greenhouse gasses by 2030, surpassing the statutory mandate to reduce emissions 40% below 1990 levels in 2030;
  • Reducing fossil fuel consumption to less than one-tenth of what we use today, a 94% drop in demand for oil and 86% drop in demand for all fossil fuels;
  • Creating 4 million new jobs;
  • Saving Californians $200 billion in health costs due to pollution.