Cement industry launches Net Zero Accelerators Program

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), an international industry association that represents about 35% of the global Cement and Concrete industry, launched a Net Zero Accelerator program across the world – including a focus on the ‘global south’. The accelerator program includes national roadmaps and government dialogues in Egypt, India, Thailand, and Colombia – kicking off local phases of their 2050 net zero global commitment.

Highlights of the global programs include:

  • Major cement and concrete producers from India, Thailand, Egypt, and Colombia are launching the first wave of Net Zero Accelerators to help national industries reach decarbonisation targets by 2050
  • Accelerators will identify and drive a range of decarbonisation levers reflecting local factors and highlighting the best approach to meeting net zero targets
  • The initiatives signal the start of the national and regional phase of the GCCA’s 2050 Net Zero Global Roadmap, which emphasises the importance of local action and policymaking to help the cement and concrete industry achieve its decarbonisation commitments
  • First phase of the Accelerator program includes a focus across the global south to help decarbonisation progress where building and infrastructure needs have been called the most pressing
  • Accelerator initiative launched at UNFCCC’s MENA Climate Week event in Dubai