Climate Group Sees Positive Outcome To Brazil Elections

Climate Group, an international non-profit that acts as secretariat to the Under2 Coalition, has welcomed the election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President of Brazil this week, and urged him to keep his promises on fighting climate change and enhancing biodiversity.

Executive Director of Climate Group, Angela Barranco said:

“Today’s election result gives us cause to hope that meaningful steps will now be taken by Brazil to protect the natural environment. President-elect Lula da Silva has promised to stop all Amazon destruction and act on climate change. We urge him to uphold this pledge and upgrade Brazil’s NDC to show a greater level of ambition. We are running out of time to halve emissions this decade and so stay within the 1.5 degree upper limit laid out by scientists. As a consequence of inaction, we must now move further, faster.