Panasonic recharges it’s Net Zero commitment

The Japanese conglomerate, Panasonic Corporation, which specializes in manufacturing rechargeable batteries plus many industrial and consumer electronics products, announced that it plans to reduce the CO2 emissions generated from its own business operations and value chain to qualify as a Net Zero emitter by the year 2030. The announcement was made recently at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

In a press conference held January 5th at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Panasonic Group CEO Yuki Kusumi said:

“First, we commit to reduce the CO2 emissions of all operating companies to net zero by 2030. But as we have seen, we have a far greater emission in the form of electricity consumption by our products. So we will reduce this by developing new technologies and solutions to increase their efficiency.”

Environmental conscious is not new to Panasonic. They have been very involved for years in helping Toyota with transitioning to electric vehicles and are also one of the main partners in Tesla’s first Gigafactory in Nevada. Their announcement is a strong step in their journey to Net Zero. To read more, see the Panasonic press release here.