T‑Mobile Announces Industry Leading 2040 Net‑Zero Commitment

T-Mobile announced the company’s latest step forward in its sustainability efforts, including an industry-leading commitment to achieve net-zero emissions across its entire carbon footprint by 2040. To bolster this new goal, T-Mobile also signed onto The Climate Pledge, a cross-sector community of companies and organizations working together to solve the challenges of cutting global carbon emissions for a sustainable future.

With the company’s new commitment, T-Mobile becomes the first in U.S. wireless to set a net-zero goal for all three emissions scopes that has been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) using their Net-Zero Standard – the world’s first framework for company targets that aligns with the latest climate science. This goal covers emission scopes 1 and 2, inclusive of direct emissions from T-Mobile’s operations and facilities, as well as indirect emissions from purchased electricity.

T-Mobile’s new goal also covers all remaining indirect scope 3 emissions (the company’s entire footprint!) — including those produced by suppliers, customer device usage, materials and fuel required to ship products, employee travel, and more—which represents roughly two-thirds of the company’s carbon footprint.