This is how the US can cut its emissions in half by 2030

In 2021, the US raised its Paris climate pledge, committing to cut its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030. Six leading energy-economic models of US energy supply and demand, are applied, to identify pathways to reach this 2030 goal. Model intercomparing studies of this sort are used in fields such as climate science and energy modelling, to identify which findings are robust across models and input assumptions – and which differ. Overall, robust agreement that there will be keys roles in meeting the 2030 target for low-carbon electricity and electrification⁠ – substituting electricity for fossil fuels in transport, buildings and industry. The models also align on the need for large-scale deployment of renewables, electric vehicles and other technologies, relative to historical levels and to scenarios where current policies continue.